Canterbury Tales

The whole strip of Canterbury Road just south of the Cooks River is undergoing major renewal. The density is changing from single residential to full on 5 storey, high density mixed development, envisaging a new centre for living and retail for the future. Here's a recent design we've submitted for 41 residential units and two bulky goods shops above a basement car park.

Some say it is a shame to lose the cute single storey residences and with my heritage hat on it is hard to let go at least some of the Californian Bungalows there that still had a good life in front of them. It is clear that it is no longer the peaceful single cottage/family zone it once was. Canterbury Road in this area is narrow and super busy. It is reflected in the diminishing use and in particular the decreasing environmental amenity of the cottages. Just no-one wants to live there. The renewal allows for widening of the main road and creation of a more dense strip of development. It will invigorate the area. With good local transport it is perfect for multi unit shop top housing and unit living for modern urban commuters.

Our design turns the living areas from the busy road with 100% of the living areas of the units facing away. Bedrooms facing Canterbury Road have a buffer zone of walkways and screens and will be double glazed. Outdoor landscaped common area is provided on a  rear 4 storey high roof top with district views to the north West. We've extensively used two storey cross over units which allow for 100% cross flow ventilation and 100% of the units receive solar access to living areas.

The site has a rear lane which affords easy access for parking but also allows a separation to the extensive low scale residential zone behind. The whole building, when combined with future adjoining large scale buildings will provide an effective buffer to the street noise to those same residential zones. A real positive amenity outcome. To reduce the impact of the 4 storey bulk the rear of the building is sloped. This reduces the impact of bulk and scale on the low scale zone as well.

We have just submitted to Canterbury Council but signs are positive for a quick approval. Thanks goes to some great consultants, Genevieve Slattery, town planner, hydraulic man David Romanous, energy man David Gradwell and Megan and Mark from Zenith landscape architects.

I haven't done a "raked" facade building since doing units in Tweed Heads in the early 80's..!! (I must be pretty old) Back to the future I guess...               J

Canterbury Road facade

Clunes Lane facde

Ground floor

Level 2


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