eden update

Our third design review panel review with Bayview had our third completely different team of "experts". The meeting was via zoom and totally unsatisfactory with a complete lack of communication and missing collegiality that was present in our previous two meetings. We suffered being dictated to with a couple of DRP members taking it upon themselves to totally redesign our proposal as how they would like to do it...

We ignored the redesign ideas but did make some changes that evolved the design productively. I can't help feeling our original concept was much more inspired and cohesive but we have to follow the approval process. This new, and hopefully final, version should now progress through approval.

We have a new ground floor commercial presentation. The unit layouts have been tidied up with a new entry area. Some internal stepping to south west units to overcome headroom and awning issues at ground floor.

burrows street facade

corner facade

corner of eden and butterworth

rear facade

northern corner with pedestrian link


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