Chair yoga

Stiff from being chained to the computer all day???

Val shows how to get some relief with .... chair yoga!!

working like this all day can really make you feel tight...

every so often it's good to take a little stretch
link your hands and stretch your arms forward

lift up, letting your shoulder blades come together
move them in and then down

twist a la droit 
twist a la gauche

hands in prayer pose (lord, grant me a wage rise), forehead resting, letting your back relax back

no Val ..... that's sleeping!!!!!       OK, finish with some savasana

Then, feeling refreshed and lighter in your body and mind ......... back to work.......


Technical advice by Connie from the fabulous
Val, great to see you doing chair yoga! Maybe in the prayer pose/shoulder opener you might move your chair further back so you can lengthen your spine more and have your shoulders more at the same level as your elbows. Keep up the good work!


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